Tuesday, November 5, 2013


It seems I have been a slacker when it comes to keeping this blog updated, but here is what has been happening recently! 

My first attemp at a western saddle... Well, the tree I made ended up being way too small, but I know what to expect so next time I can do a better job. Sam, Lauren, & I were also discussing casting some trees. 

Lots and lots of tack making these past two weekends that I got to spend with Sam and Lauren.

I got to go to the Tandy Leather Company for the first time ever; Lauren, Sam, and I all purchased about the same things: dye, dobbers, and leather. Ha! 

Recently finished halter that is for sale on MH$P(http://www.modelhorsesalespages.com/vendors/view_details.asp) 

Sam and Lauren have also been working on a few things:

(Above: both Lauren's)

And here are a few things I have been working on:

Raised noseband and brow band(not pictured).

Half pad

Leather halters

And just a few etchies I've been messing around with

My mom finished these as well for me:) yay for pony packs! 

Currently I have a bridle and saddle in progress and am working on my show string. If you are interested in any tack, I have available time, so just let me know! 
Email: talkingtokatie@gmail.com 
Kik: talkingtokatie
Instagram: knbstudios